Is a con­cept for devel­op­ing the Project ‘Lan­dArt im Ried’ started in 2000.
Asso­ci­ated to the Großin­stal­la­tion “Gesang der Geis­ter über den Wassern” by Nils-​Udo, new works of art are pos­si­ble. Most impor­tant in the for­mer works of art was growth and decay, while the project “par­al­lele land­schaft” empha­sizes the local sit­u­a­tion between nat­ural reser­va­tion and agri­cul­ture. This draws par­al­lels to an esthet­i­cal gate by which our deal­ing with nature and land­scape will be ques­tioned by means of art.
Con­cept by Dr. Chris­tiane Lehmann
Board: Kul­turverein Wil­helms­dorf
An Artist in Res­i­dence Pro­gram is in devel­op­ment.
The projects starts on Octo­ber 19th 2013 with art of the fol­low­ing artists:
Ilka Helmig, Regine Kleiner, Chris­tiane Lehmann, Andreas Reichel, Robert Stew­ard, Christina Fritzsching
The project ist part of the Ober­schwäbis­cher Kunst­weg and the Besucher­lenkungs­plan of the Naturschutz­großpro­jekt Pfrunger Burg­weiler Ried