Is a concept for developing the Project LandArt im Ried started in 2000.
Associated to the Großinstallation “Gesang der Geister über den Wassern” by Nils-Udo, new works of art are possible. Most important in the former works of art was growth and decay, while the project “parallele landschaft” emphasizes the local situation between natural reservation and agriculture. This draws parallels to an esthetical gate by which our dealing with nature and landscape will be questioned by means of art.
Concept by Dr. Christiane Lehmann
Board: Kulturverein Wilhelmsdorf
An Artist in Residence Program is in development.
The projects starts on October 19th 2013 with art of the following artists:
Ilka Helmig, Regine Kleiner, Christiane Lehmann, Andreas Reichel, Robert Steward, Christina Fritzsching
The project ist part of the Oberschwäbischer Kunstweg and the Besucherlenkungsplan of the Naturschutzgroßprojekt Pfrunger Burgweiler Ried